Who We Are


“La Voz Amiga” (a friend´s voice) started in Peru in 1974 as a confidential volunteer emergency helpline for all who are suffering from a state of loneliness or anxiety or are going through a situation of crisis.  With a vision of hope, volunteers listen to, console and give direction to all people who have no friend´s voice willing to accompany and console them, helping them to see things more clearly and to make the right decisions in their lives.

As the years have gone by, “La Voz Amiga” has become well known across Lima and in more than 40 provinces across Peru. In the last 5 years we have been able to respond to calls from over 20,000 people, giving advice to people with family or marital conflicts, psychological problems, addictions, or in need of legal help. We have been able to discourage people from committing suicide and having abortions.

With 40 years of experience we continue to expand and grow stronger in order to be able to welcome, console, and listen to more people who are in need of our help.


With a vision of hope we listen to, console, and give direction to all people, without distinction of age, race, sex or religion, who are suffering from a state of loneliness, anxiety, or going through any form of crisis.

The service is offered by phone, 24 hours a day, and is completely anonymous and confidential. The volunteers who answer the calls have received training to offer help to all those who ask for it, and if necessary, they refer them to a professional who is able to help in a more specific way.


  1. Spread the word about “La Voz Amiga” especially among all who suffer and are alone.
  2. By your financial donation, so we can continue to offer this service. Donations made payable to:

Interbank, account in dollars, N° 030-0000039743, account holder: La Voz Amiga.

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